Wednesday, January 14, 2009

But he's taking so long!

In case you hadn't realized, men and women are very different. Fortunately, we compliment each other pretty well. This is the reason we work so well together. How can we tap into this for our benefit? Men are pursuers. They go after things with a drive that women rarely do. They focus on their careers, or hobbies, or relationships with a drive that women often do not understand. We multi-task and can juggle all of these things equally, and pride ourselves, quite rightly I might add, in our ability to do this. The point of this is to say that men want to chase after us. They want a little bit of a struggle before the "win" our hearts.

Before I go further, I must state that many men don't mind, and even like, being asked out by women. Just because they might like it, doesn't mean it is the right course of action. Everyone in life is looking to have burdens taken away from them, but it very rarely makes us happier or better people to be relieved of them. This is the way men feel about women asking them out. They are just as happy to not have to get up the nerve to say something and let you do it instead. This is not some archaic, patriarchal system which looks to repress women, it is the way we are designed to work. Now, I know that we as women are liberated and don't need to wait for a man to ask us out if we like him, and this is true, we don't have to wait, but your relationship will be better if he takes the initial lead.

On the flip side of this, we love to be pursued. It is true, no matter how much we like to deny it. There are probably women out there who don't but most of us would love to see a man bend over backwards to try to win us. If we are the first to engage in a relationship, he will see little reason to try to win you. So make him work a little bit. If he is interested, he will pursue you, it's what men do best.


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